I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book.
The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments.
Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Gabriel Salguero is the President of the national Latino Evangelical Coalition.
Rev. Dr. Gabriel and Rev. Jeanette Salguero are the Senior Pastors of the multicultural Lamb’s Church in New York City.
Gabriel has a B.A., M.Div and a PhD and a Dr.DIv.
The Lamb’s Church worships in 3 languages- English, Spanish and Mandarin. Much of their work work focuses on racial reconciliation… Gabriel is the founder of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition (NaLEC) which offers an important leadership voice for the near 8 million Latino evangelicals in their country.
They have ministered extensively in Europe, Latin America and Africa…
Gabriel has been named as one of the most influential Latino Evangelical leaders by a number of different media and been featured on radio and TV. programmes…
He has served as an adviser to the White House on issues of immigration and health-care and the faith community.
He has served as the Director of the Institute of Faith and Public Life and Hispanic Leadership programs at Princeton Theological Seminary
Gabriel is recognized as one of the emerging national leaders among among Latino faith leaders.
Margaret Emma Barber was born in Peasenhall, Suffolk. The family moved to Norwich in 1879. The family home was opposite St.Martins parish church which was intensely evangelical in the 1880-90s. must have had an influence on the Barber Family.
During the course of her life she lived twice in China. On her first visit as a missionary she went as an Anglican. On her second visit she went as an independent missionary with informal ties to the Plymouth Brethren.
She was an Anglican missionary sent out by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) to the city of Fuzhou, Fujian. There she taught in a the Tau Su Girls’ High School- founded by the Church of England for 7 years. She was regarded as an excellent missionary but her co-missionaries became jealous. They fabricated a serious charge against her and she was sent home to Great Britain. She was known for her faith and decided not to vindicate herself.
Years later the chairman of CMS board became aware of the case. He persuaded her to tell the truth. She told him the whole story and was fully vindicated.
While in England she came in contact with D.M. Panton, editor of the Christian magazine The Dawn. 1907 Margaret became a member of Surrey Chapel and was baptized by full Immersion.
Margaret resigned from CMS. In 1909 with Miss Ballard, a Surrey Chapel member she returned to China, settling in Fuzhou. They rented a house in Pagoda . She stayed there until her death in 1930 of Crohn’s disease.
She lived by faith. According to Chinese customs all bills had to be paid in full by the end of the year. With only 2 days remaining she found herself $120s short.
On the last day of the year D.M. Panton, in London, through the British bank in Foochow, sent exactly $120s!
Margaret lived with little travelling and no publicity. She was content to remain at home and pray. She helped those who sought her counsel. She, with others, regularly taught a Bible class at ‘white teeth rock’. There she had contact with
Watchmen Nee while he was studying at Anglican Trinity College.
Through their relationship Watchman Nee was greatly edified and perfected. If he had a problem or needed spiritual instruction he would go to her. She treated him as a young learner and frequently administered strict discipline.
At that time over 60 young brothers and sisters received help but after awhile most stopped going to see her except Watchmen Nee.
When Margaret died she left all her belongings - an old Bible and her notes - to Watchmen Nee. In the March 1930 issue of his periodical The Present Testimony he wrote
She was one who was very deep in the Lord, and in my opinion, the kind of fellowship she had with the Lord and the kind of faithfulness she expressed to the Lord are rarely found on this earth.
In 1972 Watchmen Lee was martyred for his faith.
Sources used
Living Stream Ministry
Christian web sites
Contending for the Faith
American Society of Church History 1955
Robert Tillman Kendall is a Christian writer, speaker and teacher who pastored Westminster Chapel for 25 years. he is the author of more than 50 books. He is currently listed as part of the Word, Spirit & Power team, a non-denominational Charismatic ministry.
Richard was born in Ashland, Kentucky on the 13th July 1935. According to testimony he came to a conviction regarding Calvinist theology and his own eternal security in 1955.
A.B. (1970) MDiv (1972 M.A. ( 1973) D.Phil. (1977)-Oxford (See ‘LIFELINE’)
While at Oxford (1974-7) he was pastor at Calvary Baptist church in Lower Heyford. for 3 years. From 1977 to February 1st, 2002 he was the minister at Westminster chapel in London.
He had followed in the footsteps of the like of Samuel Martin, G. Campbell Morgan and Martyn Lloyd Jones.
R.T. Kendall is a man of great authority and leadership. He has an amazing knowledge of the Scriptures and a willingness to deal with any verse in the passage preached, however difficult it might be. I can never remember hearing a sermon which he did not bless me. He truly practiced what he preached.
Earnest Paddon
Robert instigated a ’ Pilot Lights’ scheme, initially led by Arthur Blessitt. Church members distributed tracts and orange stickers on the streets of Westminster, in different languages, to the general public.
His School of Theology evenings attracted 100s of visitors.and church leaders from all over London.
He is author of more than 50 book (See ’ Books’). The book The Excellent Way, edited by David Moloney, is an anthology of Readings R.T. Kendall- a fresh word from God for each day of the year.**
His relationship with his predecessor Martyn Lloyd - Jones (MLJ) broke down for some reason. When MLJ died he did not want Robert to be part of it.
Robert is now in retirement in Hendersonville, Tennessee. He continues to work as an author and making contributions to Christian magazines. He is a guest speaker at conferences and appears on Christian TV programs. He is president of R.T. Ministries.
R.T. Kendall Ministries
Jessie Penn- Lewis’ maiden name was Jessie Jones. She was born in Victoria Terrace, Neath, Wales. Aged 19 she married William Penn-Lewis.
She was a Welsh evangelical speaker and author of a number of Christian evangelical works. Her ministry took her to Russia , Scandinavia, Canada , the USA and India.
In 1882, 2 years into her marriage, she heard messages about the return of Christ and became concerned about her own spiritual state. By reading the Bible she came to a place of belief and found peace.
They moved to Richmond and she became involved with Richmond Young Women’s Christian Association (RYWCA). She lacked confidence when speaking publicly and preparation was painful. In 1892 she wanted answers to Questions. She had asked to be filled not crucified. Romans ch.6 v 6-11 became a power to her. I know the Risen Lord From this time she felt liberty in speaking and experienced power of prayer , the Bible came alive, Christ became real to her.
She was asked to give a message The Lord manifested his power and gave liberty. In 4 years the RYWCA numbers rose from 6,900 to 13,000.
1902 Jessie was asked about starting a convention in Wales by a group of Welsh ministers. In 1903 the Llandrindod Wells convention began. Jessie spoke regularly.
1904 revival broke out in Wales. There was spontaneity exhibiting renewed worship or singing, displays of confession, speaking in tongues, signs and wonders. In November she began writing weekly revival reports, The Awakening in Wales drew world wide attention to the movement.The 1904-5 Welsh Revival was one of the largest Christian revivals ever to break out.
Jessie became involved in building a national Keswick connection with more making more local yearly conferences accessible.
1906 she spoke out publicly that she believed the Keswick trustees were trying to to limit her ministry due to her gender.
Jessie and Evan Roberts founded The Overcomer (1908-14) (1920+), a monthly periodical, clearly aimed at Christian workers and helping to maintain communication within the Keswick network.
In 1919 she wrote The Magna Carta Of Christian Women
Jessie ran 8* The Overcomer conferences in Swanwick (1919-27)
By this time her health had deteriorated, William had died and she was living in a flat.
Early in her ministry with RYWCA she made it a priority for young women to be sent out as missionaries. She also encouraged and mentored others through personal correspondence.
With an extensive speaking and writing ministry she reached people with the Gospel message across the world. HerThe Bible Booklet . whose distribution spanned the globe, helped spread the Gospel.
Jessie would probably like to be remember for her emphasis on the priority of the cross.** Looking unto Jesus** and the power and strength of the Holy Spirit.
Jessie died on August 15th, 1927.
List of* Works* and History of Keswick Ministries included
History- Keswick Ministries
Commissioner Elijah Cadman was an evangelist and early member of the Salvation Army - the idea of wearing a uniform was his idea. He stood only 5 feet tall and became known as the ‘Converted Sweep’ and ‘Fiery Elijah’ because of his zeal for preaching.
Elijah was born in Coventry on 10thDecember 1843. He was the youngest of 5 children. His father was transported aboard the ’ Equestrian’ to Australia in 1845 for stealing.
He started work as a silk weaver along side his mother and one of his sisters. Aged from 6 -13 he found work as a chimney sweep, until it became unlawful. By the time he was 17 he could ’ fight like a devil and drink like a fish.’
Aged 21 he became a Christian having heard a street preacher in Rugby - who had intended to heckle! He abstained from drinking and smoking. He then spent all his spare time as a Methodist lay preacher. Elijah was illiterate and hired a boy to read the Bible to him. He committed large chunks to memory.
Aged 22 he married Maria Rosina Russell (1841-1923) in 1865 who taught him to read and write. They had 6 children , 2 died as children.
Aged 33 (1876) he sold his house and chimney sweeping business and took his wife and children to London to join William Booth’s The Christian Mission.
He was appointed to the Hackney (East London) Christian Mission Station where he visited slums in the day and preached in the streets at night.
Elijah was instrumental in the militarization of the language used by the SA.
In 1878 Elijah was sent to open The Christian Mission’s campaign in Whitby. He announced the ‘Hallelujah Army’, under Captain Cadman, was declaring war in Whitby. 2,000 at once wanted to join the SA. 3,000 regularly attended the meetings. He announced that the ‘General’ was coming to Review the troops. His reports in the* Christian Mission * magazine were ’ War News’.
Later Elijah was put in command of the Yorkshire Corps and made responsible for all the newly named SA s activities in the county.
The style of the uniform was decided at the August 1878 Congress, Elijah said , *I would like to wear a suit of clothes that would let everyone know I meant war to the teeth and salvation to the world,
1881 Elijah is now a Major. In 1888 he is appointed to International HQ in London. In 1890 he is a Colonel and first leader of the Men’s Social Work HQ…
In later years he held the role of International Commissioner and campaigned for the S.A. abroad in many countries. Until July 1900 he was in charge of the City Colony- a homeless shelter in London.
He joined William Booth on all his motorcades around the UK.
Elijah and his wife, Marina, retired from active service in 1915. Marina died on 8th Janaury 1923, Elijah died on 12th December 1927 .
As prominent Salvationists the couple were buried in Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington.
( Elijah’s uniform etc. is part of the S.A. International Centre’s collection)
The Salvation Army
John Ioannou John (b 2nd June 1958) is best known as J.John. He is an international evangelist and author based in the U.K…
He was born in London of Greek parents who were owners and managers of a local restaurant in London.
J.John started his career in 1976 as a psychiatric nurse at Napsbury hospital in St. Albans, England.
In 1978 he went to St. John’s Theological College in Nottingham. While there in 1980 he worked at the Christian Renewal centre in Northern Ireland. He took part in reconciliation work as a member of the community, including volunteering at the local prison.
Under the leadership of David and Joyce Nugget he became Director of Evangelism at St. Nicholas’ church in Nottingham. He also began to work as an itinerant evangelist travelling the country and speaking at universities, churches and other venues.
J.John established the Philo Trust as a charity in Nottingham in 1980 today it is situated in Chorelywood, England. The purpose of the trust is to support J.John and his associates in their ministry. ‘Philo’ is the Greek for brotherly love
He has completed 1000s of speaking engagements at conferences, towns, cities and universities across the world - 69 countries on 6 continents.
Ten which became just 10 - the teaching of the 10 commandments began in January 1998 and was televised. Since then * just 10 Toolkit* -2 DVD courses for churches and small groups (2010). * just 10 for Kids* - online resource and book (2013) . The DVD has reached an audience of over 1 million. 7,500 books sold or given away. Pope Francis has copy of the book. (Read* just 10* )
JustOne - the use of stadiums because John J. , In Winchester Cathedral, heard a voice say * Now is the time to step up and use football stadiums for evangelism again*. Saturday, 8th July 2017 at Arsenal’s Emirate Stadium
was the venue for the first one - just under 24, 000 attended. (Read ‘Just One’)
Since 1988 J John has authored over 60 books. There are 1,000, 000 copies of his books in circulation.
Awards and recognition
1998 received a Lambeth MA from Archbishop George Carey.
2003 appointed an Honorary Canon of Coventry Cathedral
2012 ordained Presbyter and Canon Missioner by Bishop David Carr
*J.John is a speaker of national and international repute. I regard the work of J.John as being of primary importance. *
Lord Cary, former Archbishop of Canterbury
Sources used
David Livingstone was a Christian missionary and pioneer who opened up Africa. His obsession was to open up Africa to Christian missions. He was almost constantly ill - he had malaria many times - but his force of will prevented him from succumbing to diseases or discomfort that carried off many of his companions.
He was the first European to cross the width of South Africa. Many missionaries followed in his footsteps.
I have created a time-line of his life and a word search (with answers).
I have included two concise pages looking at his life and a picture depicting him being wounded by a lion whilst coming to the aid of some Africans. . There is also an informative map.
The comment about him witnessing the massacre of 400 slaves has been deliberately kept separate.
Billy Graham died peacefully yesterday, Wednesday, 21st February 2018.
aged 99. He had been suffering from cancer and pneumonia. He was a Christian superstar and the most influential preacher of the twentieth century.
I have created a timeline showing the achievements of this great evangelist who used twentieth century technology to take the gospel of Jesus to the world.
I have included two word searches - one looking at countries where he held crusades - the other showing the twelve presidents of the USA he was pastor to during his life time..
The photograph included was taken in 1973 showing Billy Graham sharing the message with a fully integrated audience at a crusade in the Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Saint Gregory is best remembered for looking at some English slaves at the Forum in Rome, in the sixth century, and referring to them as angles.
He became a prefect of Rome when he was only 30. He decided to become a monk and had his family home changed into a monastery. Later he became Abbot of St.Andrew’s monastery - his former home.
When he saw the slaves he decided that he wanted to go on a mission to England to convert them to Christianity. The Pope Pelaguis II refused his request. Twenty years later, when Gregory became Pope, he sent St, Augustine to fulfill his dream.
I have included a brief history, some information from Wikipdedia, pictures and a brief crossword and word search with answers
I recently started to read in a theological book that there was a lot of significance in the fact that the Gospel of St. John has only seven signs or miracles.
I have printed out, in full, the seven signs/miracles, so the pupils can study them in detail.
The significance can be read about on Google.
I have used the Message Bible for the passages I have copied.
I have created 10 Bible word searches. 4 on the Old Testament, 4 on the New Testament, 1 about Animals and Birds and 1 about Plants and Trees.
There are three word searches about the books of the Old Testament and one about Moses and the ten plagues.
For the New Testament there are word searches about the 12 disciples and the books in the New Testament . I created only two word searches to go with St. Paul's three missionary journeys because two and three look very similar.
Answers are included.
The name of Swithun is best known today for a British weather lore proverb, which says that it rains on St. Swithun’s day, 15th July, it will rain for forty days.
Saint Swithun ,c800 - C861/3 AD, was buried outside the Cathedral. It was his wish that men might walk over his grave and raindrops from the eaves drop upon it.
Over a hundred years later they decided to place his remains inside a new basilica in Winchester Cathedral. The day they tried to transfer his body into a new basilica was 15th July 971. It rained and according to the proverb it did for the next forty days. His remains were eventually placed in the new basilica inside.
William Tyndale is often forgotten about unfortunately.
It was William who was responsible for the translation of the Bible into every day English.
He used Greek to translate the New Testament; he used Hebrew to translate the Old Testament.
He lived at the time of the Reformation.
The Roman Catholic Church did not want their Latin version of the Bible translated into English. He wanted everyone to be able to read it vernacular English.
He died at the stake accused of being a heretic. A few years later his translations formed the basis for our present Bible.
John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English from Latin
Elim Pentecostal Church have just celebrated 100 years. Their founder, George Jeffreys, a Welshman, was an evangelist with a Welsh Congregational background. At the age of 15 he gave his life to Christ.
George, along with his brother Stephen and others, started a Christian revival movement. It started in a small way but soon 1000s of people came to their conventions and camp meetings and many were saved.
In 1962 George spoke to Reinhard Bonnke. just before he left for south Africa.He invited him in for tea and prayed for the 22 year old, passing on his 'mantle'.
Elim Pentecostal Church have brought out a book, a DVD and a Music CD to celebrate. They also have a very good web site simply called Elim - Our History.
John Wesley is the founder of Methodism - the Methodist church.
Until the age of 35 John Wesley was a 'normal' Christian. He had grown up in a Christian family and had become a clergyman but something was missing.
On May 24th 1738 he had his 'spiritual birthday'. Today we talk about being 'born again'. His outlook on life changed dramatically. His sermons were no longer ordinary, congregations found them disturbing and he, along with others, were banned from preaching in church. He became a field preacher and his statue outside the New Room sees him astride his horse.
For nearly fifty years he was out in the open, in all weathers, preaching the Good News. He kept a Journal, preached many sermons, wrote many books
and even a dictionary. He brought the message that 'love casts out fear' to his listeners.
I have created time line and written about his life in brief using Wikipedia and a Ladybird book. The book is called John Wesley, Founder of Methodism
ISBN 0946550654. It is published by Methodist Publishing House, 4 John Wesley Road, Peterborough price £2. It is a typical ladybird book - writing with a very full text and well illustrated - see examples included.
St. Augustine of Canterbury I think is the ' forgotten' saint of England. He is not to be confused with St. Augustine of Hippo. He is sometimes called' the Apostle of England' or' St. Augustine the less'.
He was chosen by Pope Gregory to lead a mission to Britain. His task was to Christianize King Ethelbert and his kingdom of Kent from Anglo Saxon Paganism.
In the short time he was in England (597- 604 AD) he laid the foundations for the Church of England. He was the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
I have put together some information about Augustine with a 'gap' sheet, a simple crossword and word search, plus an answer sheet.
Mary Slessor was a Christian missionary in Nigeria. She started life, at 11, as a 'half timer' - school for six hours/ working for six hours for the Baxter Brother's Mill with her mother and father to become the 'white queen of Okoyong' in Nigeria. When she died in 1915 she was given a state funeral in Nigeria in recognition of her life time given to helping others.
She is an inspiration for any girl, or boy, who is thinking becoming a missionary.
We celebrated the centenary of her death two years ago and there is a lot of material to find on the internet about her.
The news of James Hannington being martyrdom, on his way to Uganda, resulted in 50 men immediately coming forward to follow in his steps.
He kept an illustrated diary which some how was 'saved', brought back to the UK and published in 1886 the year after his death. The book was called
' Peril and Adventure in Central Africa. '
I have included several articles looking at his life including 'Last Journey', a timeline, two of his illustrations and a short crossword and word search.
October 29th, the day he died, is his saints day.
David Tsutada and his son Joshua are both Japanese missionaries.
David is probably the least well known of the two but he is referred to as being the 'John Wesley' of Japan. He studied law at Cambridge and King's College London and at one stage envisioned himself as one day becoming Japan's prime minister. He also felt a calling to the church. He wrote a 14 page letter to his father who took his letter to an all night prayer meeting.The following day he received a cable with just two words' Obey God'.
Joshua, his son, is referred to being the 'voice of emerging evangelical leaders'. He followed his father into the ministry and spent seventeen years working in India.
Both David and Joshua had held high posts in several Christian organisations. Joshua has been chairman of the Japan Evangelical Association and the Evangelical Fellowship Asia.